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MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex

$168 CAD$190 CAD
Special Expiry Date: [ 2024-12-31 23:59:59 ]
- Unicorn Gundam unit 03: Phenex- the shining, golden Unicorn! 
- Unicorn Unit 03, featured in the Gundam Front Tokyo Dome-G film Mobile Suit Gundam UC: One of Seventy Two is presented here as a modern MG kit. Designed using elements of both the Unicorn and Banshee Gundams the 03 Phenex was built on a full Psycho Frame, which is presented in clear plastic, while the gold armor is chrome plated. As with the Unicorn Gundam, the model can be switched into Destroy Mode with little effort, and the Armed Armor DEs can be mounted on the back for a menacing profile or removed for a more standard Unicorn look.
- V-Fin redesigned to reflect the Phoenix motif of the 03, and parts for a fixed horn, fin, or transformable fin are included.
- NTD Frame gimmick is faithfully reproduced, allowing the transformation between Destroy Mode and Unicorn mode. As with the Unicorn Gundam, Destroy Mode’s towering height is in a class to itself!
- Beam Magnum and Hyper Bazooka are both included, along with standard transforming Unicorn Shield and two Armed Armor DE shield units.

- Accessories: Beam Magnum, Unicorn Shield x2, Armed Armor DE x2, Hyper Bazooka
Item Size/Weight : 39.2 x 31.2 x 13 cm / 1142g

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